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The Community Housing Trust's ranked, point-based housing program has both rental and homeownership opportunities. Learn more about the details of our program below.

You're important to us and we want to make room for you in our community.


The Jackson Hole Community Housing Trust develops truly Affordable, essential housing for those who support our way of life in Jackson.


The homes we build are made possible through generous private donations, partnerships with local employers, and local government subsidies to help make homes truly Affordable for those who make less than 120% AMI (area median income)​​.


Our housing program is a ranked, point-based system that offers housing to applicants who meet specific eligibility criteria and are the highest ranked in the system when a housing opportunity is available.

“Purchasing a home through the Community Housing Trust has had a profound and measurable impact on our family and on our quality of life.”

Leslie & David Gomez


Age & Household size 

You must be 18 years or older.


Your household size must be appropriate to the available home size. 








Income & Asset Limits

A single household income must be under $111,804.  Household size of 2 or larger must be under $159,720.*

Total net assets must be under $319,440, not including retirement funds. 



  • Applicant must be employed at a Local Business for 30 hours per week year-round in Teton County, WY

  • The Local Business must be physically located within Teton County, WY and must provide verification of business status physically located in Teton County, WY

  • Employees must be required to work in Teton County, WY to perform their job


Other property

You may not own another home or land in Teton County, WY. If you do and are offered an Affordable home, you will be required to sell it. 

*Some public sector employees may be exempt from the Community Housing Trust’s traditional income limits.

If you think you could be exempt, please send an email inquiry to

Eligibility requirements

Household size
Median income - $
120% of median income - $
CHT income limit - $

HUD Income ranges effective May 15, 2023

Ranked, point-based system

Our database weighs a number of factors to determine applicant ranking. Please find the breakdown of the point system below.

Time lived

in Teton County

Career tenure, serving Teton County, WY

Duration of

application on file

Community Involvement

1-3 years = 1 point

3-5 years = 2 points

5-7 years = 3 points

7-9 years = 4 points

 9+ years = 5 points 

Applicants are awarded .35 points for every year worked as a full-time employee (30+ hours/week) in Teton County, WY, for up to 5 points.

1-2 years = 1 point

2-3 years = 2 points

3+ years = 3 points

Applicants are awarded a total of 5 points for 200 hours of community service or more per adult in the household. Service must be for a non-profit recognized by the Community Foundation, non-paid and non-required.

Bonus points

Additional points are awarded to essential careers in our community

and existing CHT homeownership. 

Level 3: 

  • Emergency and medical personnel (Fire/EMS, Police, Dispatch; MDs, nurses, PAs, PTs) +1.5

  • Educators: Teachers, Principals, Assistant Principals, Guidance Counselors, and Therapists+1.5


Level 2: 

  • Non-profit Programmatic or Leadership Employees+.75

  • Public Sector Programmatic or Leadership Employees (incl. local, state, federal) +.75

  • Public Infrastructure/Critical Service Providers (Plumbers, Electricians, Sanitation) +.75


Level 1:

  • All other occupations +0

  • Existing Community Housing Trust homeowner: 5+ years as a JHCHT homeowner but no change in household size = 1 point, 2+ years as JHCHT homeowner and a change in household size = 2 points.

Application & Selection

1 / Submit application online or in person

  1. Upon receipt of your application, your information will be uploaded to a database of active applicants.

  2. Upon successful registration, you will receive an email confirmation that you are an active applicant.

  3. Your application will remain active until you direct the Community Housing Trust to remove your application from the waiting list. 

2 / Keep the CHT up to date & be prepared
  1. Email if any of the following changes:

  2. If your household size changes (e.g. you would like to add a co-applicant)

  3. If your employment changes

  4. If you have additional community service to add

  5. The selection process moves quickly. We encourage everyone who is patiently waiting on the to prepare yourself mentally and financially for “the call”

3 / Housing opportunity becomes available
  1. Once a home or rental opportunity is available, the CHT will send it out to the active database. Once all interested applicants express interest by set deadline, we offer the opportunity to the highest ranked applicant.

  2. Once offered a home, you will be given one week to decide if you want to purchase the home. If the home offered to you is not the right fit for you or your family, we encourage passing on the home until the right home becomes available to suit your needs. This process is structured to help Community Housing Trust applicants find a home that is the right fit, at the right price, at the right time.

  3. Once you have signed a sales contract, a standard due diligence period begins. The Community Housing Trust staff is available to help you through each step in the process, as needed. Once the purchase has closed, the joy of homeownership begins.

  4. Note for homeowner applicants: Each applicant must submit a financial pre-qualification form, which should be filled out by a local lender. This form gives the Community Housing Trust more complete information about what the workforce in Teton County, Wyoming is able to afford. With your lender, you should take into consideration the required $2,000 earnest money deposit (due upon execution of a sales contract), the amount of down payment you can afford, your creditworthiness, your gross annual income, and any debt that you may have. Your lender should note conservative assumptions for interest rates and debt to income ratios. 

“I can tell you how excited my wife Katie was when we got the house - she was crying.  After working for the town for almost 17 years and commuting for 12 years, it really means a lot to live in the town of Jackson.  I was living in another state, not only in another community."

Johnny, Assistant Public Works Director and JHCHT homeowner

Making Room

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